Our Location
Click button below for directions to the Huntsville Ear Nose & Throat office.

Business Hours
Monday – Thursday
Mon – Thurs
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 1:00pm
Learn More About
Our Services
Sinus Infections
Nasal Congestion
Ear Infections
Chronic Nasal Drainage
Dizziness or Vertigo
What We Do
We specialize in the treatment of ear, nose, and throat disorders in both pediatric and adult patients.
We provide treatment for:
We provide treatment and have experience with the following:
We have extensive experience in:
Chronic Nasal Obstruction
Nasal Injuries
Sinus Disease
Nasal Tumors
Ear Disease
Balance Disorders
Hearing Impairment
Sleep Apnea
Neck Masses
Parotid Masses
Evaluation of Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Nasal Surgery
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Balloon Sinuplasty
Surgery of Parotid
Surgery of Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Excision of Benign and Malignant Facial Skin Lesions
Ear Tubes
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Laryngeal Surgery
Ear Perfusion for Ménière's Disease
Nasal Surgery / Septoplasty / Turbinate Reduction
Uvulopharyngoplasty for Sleep Apnea
Schedule an Appointment With Huntsville Ear Nose Throat
Call our office to schedule your initial consultation.
(256) 882-0165
About Huntsville Ear Nose & Throat Physicians, P.C.
We specialize in the medical and surgical treatment of adult and pediatric ear, nose, and throat disorders, including sinus infections and headaches, sleep apnea, snoring, hearing and balance disorders, nasal congestion, throat and tonsil infections, hoarseness, thyroid tumors, neck masses, endoscopic sinus surgery, and other head and neck diseases. Our physicians are Board Certified Otolaryngologists, having completed several years of study including college, medical school, and rigorous specialty training.
Huntsville Ear Nose & Throat Physicians, P.C. is dedicated to providing care to infants, children, and adults across North Alabama and South Central Tennessee. Our highly trained and experienced Otolaryngology surgeons use proven and highly effective state-of-the-art techniques to comprehensively evaluate and treat a wide range of disorders involving the ear, nose, throat, sinuses, head, and neck. We work closely with your primary care physician and other specialists, and develop a treatment plan designed to ensure the highest quality and compassionate care that’s right for you.
Huntsville Ear Nose & Throat Physicians, P.C.
ALL patients are evaluated by board certified ENT physicians at EVERY office visit.
What Our Patients Are Saying
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The Abscess That Wasn’t
It was blistery cold outside, and the strong winds shattered against our windows. Yes it was winter, and fairly close to Christmas. The office was lit up with decorations in anticipation for the holiday season, and my staff worked like little elves trying to get...
The Wonderful Cakes
“John” suffered from recurrent sinus infections or sinus disease for years. We discussed surgery on multiple occasions, and eventually decided to proceed. Surgery confirmed severe disease, and the sinuses were carefully and thoroughly cleaned. After months of regular...