The Wonderful Cakes

“John” suffered from recurrent sinus infections or sinus disease for years. We discussed surgery on multiple occasions, and eventually decided to proceed. Surgery confirmed severe disease, and the sinuses were carefully and thoroughly cleaned. After months of regular follow up and more treatment, John joyously announced that he had regained his sense of smell. Imagine our delight when he started bringing absolutely the most delicious homemade cakes to the office. Their quality could have put a seasoned baker to shame.

Alas, what about our low calorie and cholesterol diet? FAT CHANCE – cakes like these don’t walk into your office every day. John and I have since become good friends and I wish him continued good health.

More about Sinus Disease
Sinus disease is rampant in the United States, affecting millions of children and adults. Medical treatment is routinely the first line of treatment; surgery is considered when disease persists. Children often respond to a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy before considering sinus intervention. Adults, on the other hand, are candidates for sinus surgery. We usually have eight fully developed sinuses; all or selected ones may require surgery based on patient symptomatology and CT Scan results. No longer do we use external incisions or extensive nasal packing. There is no facial bruising or swelling and patients can often return to work in a few days. Balloon Sinuplasty is a new technique that is becoming increasingly popular, and very helpful in selected individuals.

Sinus infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungus. Polyps are notorious for causing nasal congestion and sinus blockage, and they can also be associated with allergies and fungal infections. Control of aggressive polypoid fungal sinus disease involves regular follow up in office after surgery, and a slew of various forms of medical treatment such as sinus nebulizers.


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About the Authors

Neeta Kohli-Dang, M.D., F.R.C.S. (C)

Dr. Neeta Dang has had a successful and busy practice since 1987 with vast experience in the treatment of ear, nose and throat disorders, both pediatric and adult.

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