STARS Dancing for HEALS 2022
Each having dedicated their careers to healthcare and the service of others, Drs Paul and Neeta Dang strongly believe in the HEALS mission that every child should have the same opportunity to receive quality care despite their circumstances. To vote for Paul and...
Chronic Sinusitis: An Overview of Sinus Surgery
Chronic sinusitis, sinus pain, facial pain, nasal polyps, nasal congestion, mycetoma, allergic fungal sinusitis, nasal tumors, and nasal injuries are complex conditions treated by otolaryngologists (or ENT) physicians and their staff such as Doctor Neeta Kohli-Dang in...
Feeling Foggy? A look at how your inner ear can affect the brain and cognitive thinking
Several years ago, I developed intermittent bouts of what I would later term brain fog in which I experienced nonlucid moments, similar to waking up after anesthesia. The first and most memorable of these occurred while I was driving...
Nasal Foreign Bodies
Nasal foreign bodies are usually encountered in children. However, occasionally they may occur in adults with mental retardation or psychiatric illness. Foreign bodies may be inorganic material such as plastic or metal. Examples include small parts of toys or even...
Sudden Hearing Loss
The incidence of sudden sensorineural hearing loss is 1 per 5000 every year. This refers to nerve damage versus an ear infection with middle ear fluid. It is likely to strike adults in their 40s and 50s, although we have seen it in much younger and older individuals....
Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s disease refers to a condition typically manifested by severe dizziness with vertigo, roaring or ringing tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss, and a sense of ear pressure or fullness that is sometimes painful. Meniere’s can occur bilaterally in 25% of patients....
The Pregnant Tourist
It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and I was in the mood to do some gourmet cooking. Somehow, it makes me relax and feel like I am in the kitchen with my Mom who cooks delicious meals. Alas, she never taught me how to cook, always telling me to go study...
The Abscess That Wasn’t
It was blistery cold outside, and the strong winds shattered against our windows. Yes it was winter, and fairly close to Christmas. The office was lit up with decorations in anticipation for the holiday season, and my staff worked like little elves trying to get...
The Wonderful Cakes
“John” suffered from recurrent sinus infections or sinus disease for years. We discussed surgery on multiple occasions, and eventually decided to proceed. Surgery confirmed severe disease, and the sinuses were carefully and thoroughly cleaned. After months of regular...
Puppy Love
The bedroom door slammed shut! I sighed and walked away. It was yet another argument with my teenage daughter. Don’t get me wrong. She is a wonderful girl and an excellent student. However, she longed for a dog and we had been “discussing” this issue for over a year....